Although the breadth of consulting Legacy delivers is broad, clients most commonly choose to partner with us when they need to positively disrupt the organization, want to create a future that is bigger than anything they can generate organically, want a leadership team that is aligned and trusts each other, and are committed to creating a high performance culture to deliver on unimaginable results.

Successfully Completing M&A Integrations

When Merger & Acquisitions are successful, it produces tremendous stakeholder value for all parties, but the reality is- most fail- between 70 to 90 percent of the time according to cited research. Legacy is masterful in aiding organizations to successfully integrate and realize their committed futures.

Achieving Company, Cultural and Team Alignment

An organization, at its core, is made up of people, who communicate and have lots of conversations to deliver on outcomes. Ensuring that the culture, team, and organization is aligned is of the utmost importance to realize stunning results. That is where Legacy can really cause a breakthrough.

Enabling Effective Leadership & High Performance Teams

Building and leading a world class team that has the power to produce unprecedented results is not a small undertaking. Legacy’s proprietary technology leaves you, your people and organization with the tools and know-how to BE a leader and effectively exercise leadership as your natural self-expression.

Causing a Transformation in Mindset & Implementing Change

Clients frequently leveraged Legacy’s expertise when they have more established teams that are set in their ways and everything is going ok, but need a jolt, an intentional wake-up call, to take it to the next level.

Successfully Executing on Strategic Plans and Producing Stunning Results

There are many ways people formulate and implement strategies, yet more than 76% of such strategy implementations fail. Why? What is missing? Legacy delivers the missing link, enabling the decisive step from visionary planning to brilliant execution.

Discover Legacy's Offerings- An Effective Organization by Design®

Legacy’s offerings are designed for executives and managers who sense that their people have yet to fully realize what is possible for themselves, their culture and their organization. 

An Effective Organization by Design ® is a strategically crafted curriculum, made up of five offerings, that are delivered to teams within organizations over a period of time, demonstrating immediate and ongoing stunning results in the area of leadership, performance, culture, and productivity.